Risk Management Education
Program Sets Workshop Series
A series of educational workshops to help small and beginning farmers tailor
plans to handle the risks of farming have been scheduled for 11 valley and
coastal regions this spring.
The workshops are a
part of an ongoing cooperative education effort by the Agriculture
Issues Center (AIC), the Center
for Agricultural Business at California State University, Fresno
(CAB), and Farm and Agriculture Collaborative Training Systems (FACTS), that
is supported by the USDA Risk Management Agency, through a grant awarded to
the AIC in the fall of 2003.
Workshop participants
will be introduced to a model for creating their own strategies for dealing
with risk based on their tolerance profiles in five categories of risk:
family/person, financial, production, marketing and legal/regulatory.
The workshops provide
information useful for all growers, but are especially designed for farmers
and ranchers that have been operating fewer than 10 years or have gross
receipts of less than $250,000 a year.
Dates and location
for the half-day workshops: April 20, Watsonville; April 21, San Luis
Obispo; April 22, Camarillo; April 23 23, Escondido; April 26, Tulare; April
27, Fresno; April 28, Stockton; May 11, Petaluma; May 12, Ukiah; May 13,
Eureka; May 24, Chico. Specific times, locations, registration
information and a contact number are available at the AIC website: www.aic.ucdavis.edu.
Each workshop is cosponsored by a group of local organizations, led by University of California Cooperative Extension county offices.